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Stefanie Jade Workman

Don't Tell Amy Productions

Go Even Further Beyond

Don't Tell Amy Productions LLC aims to express creative freedom and storytelling via various forms of content. From Live Performance to Short Films, from Concerts to Photoshoots - DTA understands the importance of self expression and the value of feeling. With a focus on cultivating a welcoming environment we aim to bring high quality content to you.

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Our Story

Wait A Minute Who Are You?

My name is Stefanie and I am the Co-founder and CEO of Don't Tell Amy Productions. My friend Julia and I became very close thanks to a certain YouTube Channel and were lamenting its inevitable demise in conjunction with our cut short senior semester of college in 2020. With graduation looming and the clock ticking we sat in my living room, glass of wine in hand and said to each other - I miss making stuff. So we figured why not start a production company and make stuff? 

Want to help us make that stuff?

In these unprecedented times we welcome any and all contributions made to DTA. There are many ways of contributing to our growing company, and the links can be found below.

Meet The Team


Nico Torrez    (they/them)

Resident Dramaturg & Head of New Works Development Program

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The Fight of Your Life Project

The Prompt

Your character after attempting a form of relaxation finds themselves in an unfamiliar territory and forced to fight their own inner demons.

The Rules

Must be under 10 min in length including Title and Credits

Utilizes only one Actor

Follow the Prompt

The Deadline

March , 7th , 2022 Midnight

Rules of Entry

There is a one time fee of $10 dollars to be considered for entry in the contest. Videos can be uploaded to any public sharing site of preference along with the #DTAfilmcontest.

The Prize

$100 and the chance to see your film on the sliver screen or make it into a 30 min short film with the help of our resources!


Why This - Why Now

When the world went wonky I found myself feeling bewildered as my peers and I wondered aloud “Where did our time go?” How much of the past can we afford to live in before it affects our future? In this 2022 season we aim to explore these themes with us as we continue our goal of always aiming further beyond!

Clairvoyant Cabaret

Join us in exploring the theme of Time and Memory at the collection of entertaining performances served fresh to you alongside a delicious meal. So, get dressed in your Sunday best and get ready for a feast - for the eyes, ears (and stomachs!) of all.

Lizzie Borden - Life After Death

The play begins in June 1905, thirteen years since the bloody murder of Andrew and Abby Borden. When a familiar face turns up at Maplecroft, Lizbeth finds herself forced to relive the events of 1892 and decide what secrets are worth keeping. 


Jonathan Harker, a young lawyer’s Clark, is sent to a remote castle in Transylvania to complete
the purchase of a house in England for one Count Dracula. As time goes on, Jonathan begins to
notice strange things; countless locked doors, laughter that appears from nowhere, and
strangest of all, The Count himself. Jonathan soon finds himself in a race against the setting
sun, as the count prepares to turn all of England into his army of the undead.

The Kitchen

Spanning nearly fifty years, The Kitchen is a play based on real people who lived lives that were both simple and extraordinary. It follows the story of Catarina Buccolo, an immigrant from Italy, as she struggles to find her place in the world and in her family. There are struggles, some bigger than others, but there are also joys greater than all. The Kitchen is a story of not having a choice but growing and flourishing despite what life has handed you.

This Is...

A short film that explores the trauma and healing it asks what happens when you try to move on from unfinished business, what happens when you can't find your way out of the woods?



DTA is committed to an all-inclusive casting process as well as fostering a space that amplifies the voices of those in historically marginalized groups and historically stigmatized personal identities.  We purposefully and intently encourage creators of all ethnicities, races, gender identities, ages, body types and abilities to submit for any of our projects and divisions in order to create art that best reflects the world in which we live. 


COVID safety precautions will be in full effect during filming and rehearsal processes.


In the spirit of transparency Don't Tell Amy Productions would like to notify you of our payment system. All projects at this time operate on an ad-hoc payment basis in reference to ticket sales (unless otherwise stated). Therefore, while these roles are technically unpaid, we always pay our performers and technicians before we pay ourselves should the ability to do so rises. If you would like more information on this process or have any questions, please email us.

Each piece has its own audition requirements in addition to our standard actor submission forms - so please read each breakdown carefully and follow the directors' required criteria. For video submissions please film in a landscape orientation in a space with enough light for us to see your face. We also recommend playing back your audio to make sure the quality is that of which you'd like us to hear. In person auditions are in most cases also available to those local to the Long Island and Manhattan areas.




Crew Call

We are always looking for dedicated film and theatre technicians , designers , and administrators at all levels of experience. 

At this time we are specifically looking for artisans with a focus in film for the production of this seasons short film "This Is..." if you or anyone you know is interested in joining the team - please email us at with your name , technical position of preference and expertice along with your resume if you have one!

Disclaimer: this piece contains mention of sensitive subjects that may be disturbing to some readers such as : abuse , drug use and depictions of violence , reader discretion is advised.

The schedule for this shoot is not yet definitive, however we do know that shooting will take place in April and Early May on weekends  to accommodate  those of you who work day jobs or go to school. There may be one or two weeknight shoots depending on the final schedule but any information in regards to that would be given to you well in advance.


Our Mission and Code Of Conduct


Our latest division is Don't Tell Amy On Air. This branch is dedicated to the creation, development and production of new audio driven content. From radio plays and serial dramas to podcasts - on air has you covered.


The dream that started it all - Don't Tell Amy Productions main focus is storytelling on the stage and screen. 

At our core we at DTA believe art is meant to make you feel something. We believe in the importance of growth and aim to foster such for everyone in every project we facilitate. Diverse storytelling and the exploration of new media formats are all a part of that constant growth. By fulfilling a duty to ourselves by creating equitable exciting content we are able to fulfill a duty to our community that deserves to be highlighted.

That is why we have launched our New Works Nonprofit Program - a portion of our content is in support of at least one new non-profit every year. 5% off net profit from the new works in our season go towards the selected entities. To submit your nonprofit or consideration please fill out the form by clicking the button below!

Don’t Tell Amy Productions LLC 



Land Acknowledgement -

The land Don't Tell Amy Productions is on today we acknowledge as the traditional territories of the thirteen communities that existed in the Paumanauke and Sewanhackey Tribal nations. We also acknowledge the Tribal governments and their roles today in taking care of these lands.


Don’t Tell Amy Productions LLC will here in after be referred to as “DTA”.

 Members, Clients and Employees shall be here in after referred to as “Entity”.


The Code of Conduct is a collection of moral and legal obligations. It applies to all and any entity within DTA operating boundaries.




 DTA is an Equal Opportunity Employer and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or veteran status. DTA values inclusivity of all genders, races, sexual orientations, and identities.




. Under federal and state legislation it is unlawful for any entity to perform an act of sexual harassment. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards this behavior and serious offences shall be brought to authoritative attention. Any behavior of this nature is obligated to be reported to the proper authorities.


Bullying ,and general harassment is also not tolerated. Every entity has a right to feel safe and heard. DTA will take the necessary measures to resolve any issue and respect confidentiality where possible.


All entities shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations and sanctions relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption in addition to any signed non-disclosure agreements.




Should knowledge of a breach of Conduct come to an entity of DTA by another member or client, they are under obligation to report this behavior to either the acting Company Deputy of the project or the DTA current standing secretary or head of human resources.


Breaches of code of conduct may also be reported by members or clients outside of DTA.


Once brought to the attention of DTA proper disciplinary actions will be taken in accordance with state and federal law if necessary. If DTA receives information that a client or member is convicted of a criminal offence, the entity will have 28 days to provide a Standard Disclosure Certificate or similar notice with evidence of their criminal record. Not all convictions are relevant to a continued relationship with DTA and will be reviewed by the Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis.

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DTA Live is a streaming group dedicated to providing interesting and entertaining content by supporting a variety of live streamers, from vtubers, to speedrunners, to wholesome comfy streamers.

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DTA Sings is your go too headquarters for thematic music videos , and other musical creations.

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