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Dracula Breakdown

Don’t Tell Amy on Air is Seeking Voice Actors for Dracula, A new radio adaptation by William Meurer

Director: William Meurer 

Executive Producer: Stefanie Jade Workman 

Producers: Callie J. Reardon, Jess Reed, Julia Kehrley 

Contact info: and

Please send the following to with the subject line



Demo reels 

Audition recording using lines provided below (48kHz 24bit mono .mp3, labeled as CHARACTERNAME_YOURNAME) 

If auditioning for multiple characters, please send separate emails for each character. 

Please note: some characters do have lines in Slovak. That being said, we do not require you to be fluent in the language (although any familiarity is a plus.) translations, as well as pronunciation guides will be provided if cast. 

Deadline: 5pm PST/8pm EST, July 24th 2022. 

If cast, the recording session will be held remotely via Discord call. Talent must have a broadcast quality home studio or access to one. 


(M) Count Dracula (20-60's), Romanian Accent: A monster in both senses of the word. He has now outgrown his Transylvanian hunting grounds, and is eager to have all of England worshiping him as their master. We first meet him as an old man, but the more he feasts the younger he grows. 

● (Older Dracula)-"You must remember my friend that you are now in Transylvania, and Transylvania is not England. We do not have the luxuries of the modern world, and superstition holds a tight grip on the hearts of the weak." 

● (Surging with Rage)-"Stop! How dare you touch him! Back! Back I tell you! This man belongs to me!..I promise you that when I am done with him you shall kiss him at your will. Now go! Go!" 

● (Younger Dracula)-"I did not give to Lucy what she did not already desire. I gave her the strength of twenty men! I gave her the power to overthrow those who would take advantage of her. I gave her the freedoms and liberties this life could never offer her. Now, I offer them to you. Join me, and you and I shall rule throughout the centuries. We will give birth to a new age, an age marked by everlasting life!" 

(M) Jonathan Harker (20-30's), Rp British Accent: An english clark who uncovers Dracula's plot, and sets our story in motion. naive, but FIERCELY loyal to his friends.

● (In quiet horror)" I sat in my chamber contemplating my situation, when a sudden noise from outside drew me to the window. I looked out at the view overlooking the castle courtyard. As I leaned forward my eye was caught by something moving below me. At first, I could not believe my eyes. I thought it was some trick of the moonlight, but it was no delusion. There was the unmistakable figure of the Count climbing down the castle wall like a lizard. What manner of man is this, or what manner of creature in the semblance of man?" 

(F) Mina Murray/First Bride (20-40's), Rp British/Romanian Accent: Jonathan's fiance. a school teacher by trade, she is fiercely clever and outspoken. The actor playing mina will also voice one of Dracula's brides 

● MINA (British, Sternly) -"Gentlemen, I shall return shortly, but before I depart allow me to say this. Lucy is a friend more dear to me than I can even begin to say, so I can understand your infatuation with her. However, the rather sordid display that I have just witnessed has left me less than impressed. I shall choose to forget it as I know how highly Lucy regards each of you; but I shall warn you, I am a school mistress by trade and if I don't hear report from Miss Westenra that your behavior has improved in my absence...Let me just say I know how to deal with unruly school boys. Good day, Gentlemen. 

● BRIDE (Romanian, Wantonly)-"You shall know us soon enough.You shall know us deep into the coming centuries. Look at him. He is young, and strong. There shall be kisses for us all. Come to me Jonathan, I know you cannot resist me."

(F)Lucy Westenra/ Peasant Woman/ Second Bride, Rp British/ Romanian Accent: Mina's dearest friend in the world. A bubbly, creative spirit who becomes Dracula's first victem in england. The Actor playing Lucy will also voice the PEASANT woman (speaks Romanian), and one of Dracula's brides. 

● LUCY (British, Playfully)-"This is for Johnathan! You asked me to sketch something new for him, so I have chosen to create, for him, a new Mina!...Men are like children, Mina. We have to constantly surprise them in order to keep their very sporadic attention." 

● VAMPIRE LUCY (Hollow, A shell of her former self)- "Oh come to me, Arthur. Do not believe their lies. Leave these others and come to me. My arms are hungry for you. Come, and we can rest together. Come, my darling husband! Come!" 

● BRIDE (Romanian, Wantonly)-"You shall know us soon enough.You shall know us deep into the coming centuries. Look at him. He is young, and strong. There shall be kisses for us all. Come to me Jonathan, I know you cannot resist me." 

(M) Dr. Jack Seward (20-40's), Rp British Accent: Head of an insane asylum, and a suitor for Lucy's affections. a stubborn sort of man who easily holds on to grudges

● "Thirty-first of August, 1890. Ebb tide in appetite today. Cannot eat, cannot rest. Since my rebuff a few weeks ago, I have a sort of empty feeling growing inside me. Nothing in the world seems of sufficient importance. The only cure for this is work, so I went down amongst the patients and I picked out one who has afforded me a study of much interest. R. M. Renfield, age fifty nine. A curious breed of lunatic. His condition is so singular in my mind that I feel the need to coin a new classification for it. Zoöphagous, life eater. 

(M) Quincy Morris (20-40's), American Southern Accent: A Texan cowboy who also vies for Lucy's hand. a very informal man who doesn’t like to beat around the bush.

● "Forgive my lack of tact, Miss Lucy, but it’s the truth. Now, I don’t know how all of you Brits handle these kinds of affairs over here; but back in Texas, when a man asks a woman to marry him he expects an answer." 

● "Those bags of 'medicinal items' he sent me to fetch... Well take a look for yourself..What kind of medical professional in this day and age is prescribing common garlic?"

● (Dying) "Don't fret over me, Miss, I am only too happy to have not died in vain. See? The mark on your forehead. It's gone. For that, I die a happy man" 


(M)Arthur Holmwood/Passenger/Attendant, Rp British/Romanian/ Cockney Accent: The last of Lucy's suitors. While he lacks the gusto of the other men, his simple and honest devotion to Lucy is what, in the end, allows him to win her heart. the actor playing arthur will also voice the passenger (Speaks romanian), and the attendant 

● ARTHUR (British, Nervously)-"Lucy, you and I have known each other almost all our lives. You know of my station, and the modest sum I am to inherit from my Father when I take his title. You also know that I am unfortunately of a quiet disposition, and only desire to live a quiet life can offer you neither adventure, nor riches; However, If you do choose me, I promise to love you as best as I am able."

● PASSENGER (Romanian, Forbiddingly)- "Do you not know what day it is? It is the eve of St. George’s Day. Tonight, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway!" 

(M) Abraham Van Helsing (30-60's), Dutch Accent: A doctor from the University of Amsterdam, and expert in the supernatural. He fluctuates from a warm, kind hearted dutchman, to a strong authoritative force. 

● (Jovial)"I felt it best not to waste time. I was very intrigued by what you told me of the young lady's condition; and from what books and experience I have in such cases as this, time is of the very essence" 

● "My dear boy, I do not mean to alarm you, but Miss Westenra's life may be in danger. In order to save her, you must do exactly as I say." 

● "The vampire must obey certain laws Madame Mina, one of them being he may not enter without invitation. As long as you remain here, he may not touch you." 

(M) Renfield/ Driver/ First Szgany/Conductor (20-40's), British Rp/ Romanian Accent: An inmate at Dr.seward's asylum, and the chosen disciple of Dracula. The actor playing Renfield will also voice the first szgany (speaks and sings in Slovak), and the conductor. 

● RENFEILD-(British,)"But of course, I forgot. You and the rest of your staff are under the delusion that I am mad. But you shall all see! Now that he has come! The Master has come! The Master is at hand!" 

● RENFEILD (Lashing Out)-"Just you wait Doctor! My Master will make you sorry for this! I can see him now! You think yourself so high and mighty, meanwhile he is feeding on your pretty little birdy as we speak!" 

● DRIVER (Romanian, Nervously)- "Perhaps the Herr is not expected after all. Perhaps he has gone on to Bukovina. Quickly then, get back in the coach and we will take you" 


(F) Inn Keeper/ Third Bride/ Village Woman/ Second Szgany/ Mrs. Westenra/ Nurse/ Newsboy/ Child.(20-60's) , Romanian/ Rp British / Cockney Accent: Seeking actor to voice multiple side characters. Second Szgany speaks Slovak. 

● INN KEEPER (Romanian)- "Do you know where you are going, and what you are going to? I beg you on my knees, Herr Harker, please do not go!" 

● MRS. WESTENRA (BRITISH)- "Oh I wouldn't go taking all the credit Professor. Jack did a most splendid job looking after her, and I believe Lucy's state this morning is due in part to me." 

● NURSE (Cockney)- "Oh, Doctor Seward! You've gotta come back quick! It's Mr. Renfield sir! E's been badly 'urt. I don't know how they got in, but somebody's attacked 'im!" ● BRIDE (Romanian)- "You shall know us soon enough.You shall know us deep into the coming centuries. Look at him. He is young, and strong. There shall be kisses for us all. Come to me Jonathan, I know you cannot resist me."

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