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The Kitchen

Written Jess Reed

Director TBD

Please prepare a comedic or dramatic monologue that is under two minutes. 


Spanning nearly fifty years, The Kitchen is a play based on real people who lived lives that were both simple and extraordinary. It follows the story of Catarina Buccolo, an immigrant from Italy, as she struggles to find her place in the world and in her family. There are struggles, some bigger than others, but there are also joys greater than all. The Kitchen is a story of not having a choice but growing and flourishing despite what life has handed you.


Cast breakdown:

Catarina Buccolo (later called Katherine): The main character. Grounded, strong, a survivor. Speaks some Italian. One actor to play from 15 through mid-60s. 

Giuseppe Buccolo: Catarina’s father. Mean and demanding. Speaks mostly Italian. Late 40s through 80s.

Rosa Buccolo: Catarina’s mother. Caring but ultimately helpless. Speaks only Italian. Late 40s through 60s.

Joseph Magnacavallo: Catarina’s first husband. Gregarious but controlling. Speaks some Italian. 30s-40s. 

Pietro Comodeca: Catarina’s second husband. Hardworking and loving, but jealous. 30s through mid-60s.

Rose Magnacavallo: Catarina’s eldest daughter. Boisterous and fun-loving. 11 through 40s.

Stella Magnacavallo: Catarina’s second daughter. Brash and bossy. 9 through 40s.

Alessandro Scutari: Rose’s husband. A freeloader with a weak heart. 30s-40s

Joseph Picciarelli: Stella’s husband. An alcoholic with a weak temper. 20s-40s.


Other characters include Catarina’s brothers, cousins, children, and neighbors.

Disclaimer - This play contains references to domestic violence, sexual assault of a minor, murder, and alcoholism. Please take care and consideration in regard to these sensitive topics.

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